Tea-ing Off: The Different Types of Tea

As said above, there are lots of different types of teas. These are all made from different herbs and plants.

Health Benefits of Black Tea

  • Black tea can aid the digestive system – Because black tea is rich in a chemical called tannins, it can be used to help the digestive system process food. Tannins help relax the intestines, which can help digest stubborn meals and prevent constipation or other digestive issues.

  • Black Tea Has An Anti-Inflammatory Effect On The Body – Along with aiding digestion, black tea is also rich in antioxidants, which can help prevent inflammation. This can have a range of health benefits such as preventing plaque build up and protecting mental health.

  • Black Tea Can Help Protect The Skin – Black tea may also have ingredients that help protect the skin, with certain studies showing it can reduce the risk of damage from sunlight. This can be particularly helpful for those living in sunny countries.

  • Black Tea Can Help Burn Calories – The caffeine in black tea can help boost calorie burning by causing more fidgeting and restlessness. This can help weight loss and prevent obesity, which can have a range of health problems and is a common problem among people today.

Black Tea

This tea is produced from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant and is known for its dark color when brewed. This tea is more oxidized than the others, which gives it the stronger and long-lasting taste.

It’s also the most common form of tea, used in both English tea and mixed with bergamot oil to make Earl Grey tea.

Each one has a unique taste and unique benefits to your health.

Before looking at each of the benefits, we’ll walk through the different kinds of tea, which will help you find one that you like best based on your taste and what benefits you’re looking for.

Green Tea

This tea has not been processed as much as other forms, such as black or oolong tea, and has a gentler color and taste because of it. This is also a very popular option, closely following black tea for many.

Along with following black tea in popularity, green tea also has many of the same health benefits. It even offers stronger benefits in some areas when compared against black tea.

Health Benefits of Green Tea 

  • Green Tea May Help Protect Against Cancer – A number of studies in animals and humans found a lower risk of cancer in people who drank green tea regularly. This benefit likely comes from ingredients called polyphenols, which can have a range of benefits on the body.

  • Green Tea Can Help Maintain Heart Health – Green tea has also been shown to reduce blood pressure as well as improve cholesterol in the blood vessels. All of these effects can help protect against a heart attack or a stroke. This can also lead to improved overall health.

  • Green Tea Can Help Increase Fat Burning – Green tea can help both increase the calories burned and the amount of fat your body uses for fuel. This could be from the polyphenols that the green tea contains.

    This makes a green tea an even more useful drink in helping to maintain weight and prevent obesity than black tea.

  • Health Benefits of Fermented Tea

    • Fermented Tea is Rich in Probiotics – Because this type of tea is processed by fermenting, it is also a rich source of probiotics. Probiotics are used in the body for a range of functions.

      These include helping digestion, improving the immune system function, and even boosting mental health.

      Fermented tea may offer a great alternative food choice for taking in more probiotics if you don’t like common probiotic-rich foods like yoghurt or cheese.

    • Fermented Tea May Help Slow Down Carbohydrate Digestion – Fermented tea has also been shown in research to slow down the digestion of sugar and its levels in the blood. This could be helpful for diabetics looking to stabilize or maintain their blood sugar levels.

      It might also be useful in keeping hunger at bay, which can help with keeping weight low and preventing obesity. This benefit makes fermented tea a great digestive aid when combined with its high probiotic content.

    • Oolong Tea

      Oolong tea is made through a specialized process of withering the leaves and drying them under intense sunlight. It is then rolled into clumps and dried. This makes a lightly colored tea that has a mild taste.

      Along with unique processing, oolong tea also has a few health benefits that can be found in other types of tea.

      Health Benefits of Oolong Tea

      • Oolong Tea May Help With Managing Diabetes – Some research has shown that drinking oolong tea regularly can help manage blood sugar levels and prevent problems with diabetes. It likely does this through its high water content and its antioxidants.
        So, taking in some oolong tea may be a helpful strategy for diabetics who struggle to find easy ways to naturally manage their blood sugar.
      • Oolong Tea Can Help Protect Your Teeth – As well as being beneficial for health issues, oolong tea is also surprisingly useful for fighting plaque. Studies have shown that simply rinsing your mouth with a cup of oolong tea can protect from plaque build up on your teeth.
        So, starting your day with a cup of oolong tea might help keep you from the dentist’s chair later on.

      White Tea

      White tea is another unique type of tea from a processing point of view. The main difference in white tea is that it is not oxidized or rolled. This creates a far milder tasting tea than the darker kinds.

      But, this doesn’t mean that white tea has any fewer beneficial effects for health than the other types.

      Fermented Tea

      Fermented tea is possibly one of the most unique and complex tea types when considering how it is made.

      This tea is processed over months, or even years, by being exposed to humidity and oxygen. This creates a tea that has a strong aroma and a mild taste. It also has a much milder aftertaste than other teas.

      This process also changes the chemical makeup of the tea leaves which changes the effect this tea can have in the body.

Health Benefits of White Tea

  • White Tea May Help Maintain Mental Health – One unique benefit to white tea is that it could help protect cells in your brain from damage. This comes from the strong antioxidants in the tea.

    This could help protect you from mental illness like Alzheimer’s Disease or depression. This makes white tea the best choice for elderly people looking to protect their mental health.

  • White Tea Can Help Fight Bacteria – Along with helping fight off mental illness, white tea can also be useful in protecting you against more physical illness.

    This is because some of the chemicals in white tea are anti-bacterial, which can help prevent some infections. They might also help speed up your recovery if you’re already sick.

  • How Best To Take It

    Now that we’ve looked at all the benefits that the different types of tea can have, we can look at how you should drink each tea so you can make the most out of each of the benefits.

    First, make sure that filtered and pure water is used, as this can make sure that there are no chemicals that may act against some of the ingredients in the tea.

    Also, drinking tea hot can help make it more enjoyable through stronger flavors. However, room temperature can help draw out more antioxidants. So, to get the greatest amount of benefit from your tea, it’s best to drink it hot or warm with purified or boiled water.


    Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. With all of the different types available, it offers an easy, tasty and time-friendly way to improve your health. Each tea has different benefits, so take the time to figure out which benefits you’re looking for and what tea you prefer to make sure you get the most from your choice.

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