Spinach Vermicelli Upma

Take 1 cup (100gms) Spinach Vermicelli, dry roast it for 2 minutes and keep aside.

Heat 1 ½ tbsp of oil in a pan, add a few mustards seeds and stir fry until seeds pop.

Add ½ tsp channa dal, 1 tsp peanuts and sauté till it turns brown

Add ½ tsp cumin, 1 chopped green chilli, a few curry leaves, ¼ chopped ginger and sauté well.

Add 1 small sized chopped onion and sauté till translucent.

Add 1 ½ cups (300ml) of water and salt as per taste. Mix well.

Once water starts boiling, add roasted Spinach Vermicelli and cook for 6-7 minutes on medium flame.

Add ½ tsp chopped coriander leaves, ¼ tsp lemon juice.

Mix well and serve hot.

Weight 0.4 kg


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MTR Spinach Vermicelli 400gMTR Spinach Vermicelli 400 Grams

Availability: In stock

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