Patanjali Dant Kanti Natural Tooth Paste 100 Grams

Patanjali Dant Kanti Natural Tooth Paste 100 Grams

From dental protection to dental beauty. This Dental cream is a marvellous product to protect the teeth. Akarkara and babul are the prime ingredients to protect the power of gums. Neem, Timbaru (Strychnos nux vomica or Diospyros), Turmeric and cloves provide great protection and remove bacteria. Pudin and pippali refresh the gums. Peelu and maju phal provide power to the gums. Thus it roots out all the dental problems like pioria, gingivitis, bad odour in gums if it is used everyday. Use it once, and then you wish to use it forever.


Weight 0.1 kg


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Patanjali Dant Kanti Natural Tooth Paste 100 GramsPatanjali Dant Kanti Natural Tooth Paste 100 Grams

Availability: In stock

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